More Vintage Parodies by Mike Kaminski
Gas Pump Pre-Pay (1995)
(time 1:22)
Gas Pump Pre-Pay was becoming a big thing due to drive-offs. This parody pokes fun at the exact description of "Pre-Pay after dark!" Note the similarity in voice and inflection to George Constanza of the Seinfeld series tht was not even in production at this time.
(time 1:15)
The situation was absurd! But Barbie was the cause! People everywhere were scrambling high and low to get this pop toy, Holiday Barbie...No matter what the price!
(time 1:13)
In the days before caller ID, *69 was all we had. This spoof service is designed to have more protection for the enemy than for the innocent. Today, such innovations are quite possible.
(time 2:04)
What can I say...this is a classic already. In the 1970's TV show, "Columbo", starring Peter Faulk, Shatner actually made several guest appearances as the cunning murderer. WEll...William Shatner's wife's demise presented Mike the perfect opportunity, indeed...THIS is a real hoot!
(time 2:01)
The first parody was such a hit and Columbo had some additional questiojns. So Mike made this sequel to further incriminate poor Shatner.